Meet Saracens' Captain Chris Wyles | USA Islanders Rugby Team

Meet Saracens' Captain Chris Wyles

In an exclusive interview with URugby, John Broker interviews Chris Wyles, captain of the Saracens. Wyles discusses preparing for the upcoming USA Islanders vs Saracens (#ISLvsSAR) game, training with the team, and his outlook on the young rugby players on the Saracens. Watch more to find out what he's looking forward to for the #ISLvsSAR game.

About the Saracens

Chris Wyles hails from Connecticut. Before joining the Saracens in 2008, Chris represented the USA Eagles in three World Cups (2007, 2011 and 2015). He was also the USA Eagles Captain in the 2015 World Cup.

The Saracens (London) are simply one of the best professional rugby teams in the world and winners of the European Professional Club Rugby championship two years running. Based in London, England, the Saracens currently play in the English Premiership and are nicknamed "The Men in Black" for their jersey colors.

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