2004 Surfside Passes the Hat for Pat | USA Islanders Rugby Team

2004 Surfside Passes the Hat for Pat

At the first Surfside in 2004, Surfside raised $1,184 for Pat Culley. Pat sustained a serious spinal injury while playing a Super League match against Boston in May of 2004. 2004 Surfside Passes the Hat for Pat Friends of Patrick Culley Need Your Support to Pass the Hat for Pat.

On Saturday May 1st 2004, Patrick Culley, a member of the Gentlemen of Aspen Rugby Football Club, sustained a catastrophic spinal injury during a Super League match in Boston, Mass. Following surgery in Boston, Pat was transferred to the Shepherd Spinal Center in Atlanta, GA. After battling an E Coli infection and Pneumonia, Pat has started his physical therapy.

Although he is paralyzed from the chest down, Pat is grateful for the limited movement of his shoulders and arms which allow him to maneuver his electric wheelchair. With the use of special equipment, he is also able to feed himself. There is a very slight chance he could recover some use of his hands at some point. He is currently learning how to use all the devices that have been developed for his situation like voice recognition technology and equipment. Please pass the hat for Pat.

About Surfside 7s

Surfside 7s is a tournament founded and developed by Amy and Stephen Siano. Amy Siano designed the logo and Stephen Siano developed the concept for the tournament. The timing of the event with the unique horn system was noticed by Stephen during a trip to the Taupiri Sevens in New Zealand. Stephen brought the concept back to the USA and developed the tournament.

Contact Stephen Siano, URugby
siano@urugby.com 610.389.4474

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